3rd – 6th Grade
T&T Boy Clubbers & T&T Girl Clubbers learn the basic truths about the Christian faith as they work through their handbooks each year. Some of the questions covered in the handbooks include: Why did God give us the Bible? Who is God? Who is the Lord Jesus? How does God want me to live my life? What does God say about my home and family? Why should I go to church? How can I help other people? What do I need to know about Satan, angels and the future? How do we know the Bible is true? What do I need to know about the Holy Spirit? How can I grow spiritually? What is a good friend?
Here again, parent involvement is a vital part of your Clubber’s success. Parents can assist their Clubbers by helping them remember to come prepared for Theme Nights, assisting with verse memorization, bringing friends and being willing to lend a hand during serving events.
T&T Boy Clubbers meet in one classroom and T&T Girl Clubbers meet in another classroom downstairs. Boy Clubbers and Girl Clubbers will meet up together for game time. They are to be dropped off promptly at 6:00 p.m. and picked up by 7:15 p.m.
Once a Clubber passes their Start Zone (short booklet), they will receive a handbook and uniform.
It is important that vests be worn weekly. They should be kept neat and clean, with achievements displayed as shown at the beginning of the handbook. Clubbers must be wearing their vests in order to receive their badge. We put the badges in the pocket of their vest for you to iron on.
Please pay membership dues per clubber for the year. If you are unable to pay, please let us know and a donor will pay your way for you.
It is important that uniforms be worn weekly. They should be kept neat and clean, with achievements displayed as shown at the end of the handbook. Clubbers must be wearing their uniforms in order to receive their awards. It can be made at any time, but is not due until the items are actually received.
Serving Projects
T&T clubbers will have the serving opportunities like
T&T clubbers will have the serving opportunities like making Christmas and Easter Cards for the Avon Nursing Facility. Singing Christmas Carols to the Avon Nursing Facility, becoming a Pen Pal to the residents and / or playing BINGO with them. Bringing in plastic recyclables to fund money for CompassCare. Raking leaves for the elderly, giving toys to children at the Ronald McDonald House or CURE, and giving supplies to the Open Door Mission or Hygiene Bank.
Weekly Schedule
Snack Time – Tasty Finger food!!
Worship Time- Sometimes, there is opportunity to listen/sing to a worship song.
Handbook Time – Small group time to review sections to Leader.
Council Time – Message from God’s Word.
Game Time – FUN!!
Thank you to all the T&T Leaders, Game Leaders, and volunteers for welcoming our children.