Kindergarten – 2nd Grade
Sparks dig a little deeper into God’s Word. Clubbers learn basic truths about God, Jesus Christ, salvation and the Bible as they work through each book.
Parent involvement continues to be a vital part of your Clubber’s success. In addition to organized family times that will be scheduled, being available as a volunteer greatly assists our leaders. Parents can also assist their Clubbers by helping them remember to come prepared for Theme Nights, assisting with verse memorization, and bringing friends.
Sparks meets in the classrooms downstairs. Please drop your Clubber off promptly at 6:00p.m. They must be picked up by a parent or parent representative at their classroom by 7:15p.m.
Once a Clubber passes their Sparks Gate, they will receive a handbook and uniform.
It is important that vests be worn weekly. They should be kept neat and clean, with achievements displayed as shown at the end of the handbook. Clubbers must be wearing their vests in order to receive their awards.
Please pay membership dues per clubber for the year. If you are unable to pay, please let us know and a donor will pay your way for you.
It is important that uniforms be worn weekly. They should be kept neat and clean, with achievements displayed as shown at the end of the handbook. Clubbers must be wearing their uniforms in order to receive their awards. It can be made at any time, but is not due until the items are actually received.
Service Project (s)
Sparks will have the serving opportunities like helping with raking leaves for the elderly, giving toys to children at the Ronald McDonald House or CURE, and Christmas and Easter card making for the residents of Avon Nursing Home, Singing songs to the Avon Nursing Facility Residents, and giving supplies to the Open Door Mission or Hygiene Bank.
Weekly Schedule Snack Time – Tasty finger foods
Counsel Time – Learn a story from God’s Word
Game Time – FUN!!
Handbook Time – Small group time to recite sections to Leader
Thank you to all the Sparks Leaders and volunteers for welcoming our children.